Live broadcast on August 22 News Asian Champions League play-off, Shanghai Harbor home Court 2-3 defeat Thai team Badun United, missed the first match. After the game, the midfield of the harbor, butaijiang, was interviewed by the field.
The three balls lost are all counterattacks by opponents. Are their counterattacks different from those of the Super League?
Butijiang: in fact, we expected some scenes before the game. This game is difficult for us because the game is intensive in three days. Today, the conversion is not done well at a certain moment, in other words, we also created many opportunities in the competition, but we didn’t hold these opportunities.
Will this defeat have any impact on the team’s Super League?
Butijiang: No, this is indeed a very uncomfortable game for us. To learn this lesson, some scenes like today will never appear again.
Tags:上海君尚国际会所WPX , 上海哪里还有城中村MDM , 海口水疗会所GOM , 烟台茶博会2022年时间表KAN