Edgao was elected as the Premier League official best game: 1 ball +1 key pass +3 Snatch was rated 7.4 points

Live Bar, August 22-Arsenal beat Crystal Palace in this round of the Premier League 1-0, Edko was elected as the official best player in the Premier League. His data is as follows: 89 minutes 1 goal Expected goal 0.83 46 touches 34 passes and 30 successes, with a success rate of 88% 1 key pass 2 passes and 1 succeeds 2 long passes and 1 success 3 shots and 2 successful shots 1 pass, 0 success 8 confrontations and 3 successes 7 lost ball rights 1 offside 3 steals 7.4 points (richard)

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