Source: If Greenwood transfers to a Saudi club, it will be very surprising

Live broadcast on August 22, BBC reported that a mainstream League source revealed that if Greenwood might transfer to a Saudi Arabian club, it would be “very surprising”. Earlier, Manchester United officially announced that Greenwood would leave the team. This summer, the Saudi Arabian club spent a lot of money to recruit big players, and Greenwood also discussed it internally. However, Saudi Arabia believes that this is not the right transfer at present. In Saudi Arabia, players are introduced in different ways. Before determining which club the players will play for, the league will bid or trade for the players. Last year, the Saudi women’s premier league played its first season. The source added: “The government has established a Women’s Football League and will start its second season on October 11, this is also an important difference, because it will be regarded as the League of the whole community. This will be an incredible change. The women’s football team was completely unpopular there before and now has an international ranking national team. Women don’t wear headscarves to play football, and there are male fans in the stands, which is a huge cultural change.” (mageth)

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