Rumenigge: The president of the Western Football Association is just excited to kiss female players. Please forgive me, but this is absolutely OK.

Live broadcast, August 22, when interviewed during the activity of sports photo on Monday, the former CEO of Bayern, rumenigel, a member of the Board of Supervisors, defended the practice of the Spanish Football Association president rlby rice to forcibly kiss the players after winning the women’s football World Cup. As for the public opinion fermentation of this event, Rummenigge said: “I don’t think people should exaggerate too much.” he said that he knew rlby les very well and: “When you become the World Cup champion, you will be very excited. What he did there-sorry, please forgive me for saying so-is absolutely OK.” Rummeniger also took his own experience as an example: “I still remember: when we won the Champions League last time, I kissed a man-although it was not a mouth kissing, it was out of joy. In football, passion is very important, and everyone should not overstate it.” Noiendov, the president of the German Football Association who also attended the event, also knew rlby Les. He said more cautiously: “I imagine that someone who is extraordinary may be in a similar situation: I think if it were me, I wouldn’t do it.” Watzke, CEO of Dort and vice chairman of the German Football Association, said: “I am always cautious when evaluating a thing from a distance. I don’t know what happened before, nor do I know whether the parties have talked or whether it is a joy that has passed. You have to know what happened on the spot. I don’t know anything, so I shut up.” Andres Juncker, the coach of the Dutch women’s football team, said: “This (the behavior of rlby rice) is unacceptable. This is unbelievable.” Related news: Ah, thisSpanish football association president after the game award mouth kissing kiss female football player elmoso… Be strongly kissed by the President of the Football Association! Elmoso, the Western women’s football player, responded awkwardly: I don’t like this President of the Western Football Association: do I kiss women’s football players? It was just a celebration between friends. Public opinion apologizes? President of the Western Football Association: The kiss happened naturally and someone was injured. I must apologize. (Ximu)

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