Post: Teng Hach is one of the people who support Greenwood’s return Manchester United will strengthen the education of players

Live broadcast on August 22 news Manchester United officer announced Greenwood to leave the team, after the players suffered more than a year of suspension due to domestic violence and rape charges. The Post said Manchester United would strengthen the education of players next to avoid the same thing happening again.

The Post revealed that after the accusation was dropped, Manchester United conducted an internal and factual investigation on the players and considered whether Greenwood could play for Manchester United again without causing serious influence, the media and charities may respond to this as part of the discussion.

Many employees and players have the impression that Greenwood will return to the first team, but some people think there are differences of opinion inside. Some football players hope Greenwood will return, and most people in the office do not agree with this view. The dressing room is slightly biased towards Greenwood’s return, although he is not one of the most popular players, but Greenwood has a close relationship with many players at the same level.

It is understood that Teng Hach is one of the people who support Greenwood’s return and has contacted the players. In view of the changes in the team’s game style and personnel after Greenwood’s suspension, the analysis department also studied how to best use players after his return.

The news source revealed to The Post that Greenwood trained separately outside the club and was supervised by club personnel. Earlier this summer, Greenwood thought he could return to the team.

Last Wednesday, The Athletic reported Manchester United’s plan to bring Greenwood back. Club CEO Arnold also wanted to record a video to explain his decision to fans and employees. The news caused a huge response. Fans, members of parliament and charities came forward one after another to ask Manchester United to reconsider this decision. Manchester United said that the reported situation was only one of their many considerations, and they had not made any decision at that time.

Arnold thinks Greenwood has the right to continue his career, but the feedback from public opinion influenced the final decision. Both sides believe that it is the best result for the players to restart their career outside Manchester United. Greenwood will either leave on loan, transfer permanently, or cancel the contract in advance.

Manchester United said that they would continue to help Greenwood and his newly born partner find a club with the right environment. It is impossible to transfer to another England club. Two champions have had a preliminary dialogue, but now they have given up signing Greenwood. Moving to an overseas club is the only choice for players at present.

Finally, Manchester United will strengthen the education of players next to help them develop healthier interpersonal relationships and behaviors. Insiders say they don’t want to face such a situation any more.


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